Tackling Musty Basements & Radon Gas

Garage Floor CoatingEpoxy Flooring, Radon Gas

If you’ve ever noticed a musty smell in your basement, furnace room, storage room, or similar areas around the house — you’re probably smelling the results of moisture vapor emission from the earth through your concrete slab. Over time, this moisture can cause visible dark spots or white salts, known as efflorescence, and potentially lead to concrete failure. Here’s some info on tackling musty basements & radon gas.

Sick Building Syndrome

Moreover, this concrete moisture can contribute to Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and other indoor air quality (IAQ) issues. SBS is where occupants of a building experience acute health effects or discomfort that seem to be linked to time spent in the building, but no specific illness or cause can be identified.

Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, nausea, eye, nose, or throat irritation, dry cough, itchy skin, difficulty in concentrating, fatigue, and sensitivity to odors. Needless to say, these are all things we want to avoid at all costs!

The Radon Risk

Radon, an invisible, odorless, and radioactive gas, is another concern. According to the CDC, t’s the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. and can seep through concrete slabs. Since radon is odorless; testing with a kit from a hardware store or online is essential to detect its presence.

Tackling Musty Basements & Radon Gas: How It Happens and What to Do

Homes act like vacuums for underground gasses. The lower air pressure inside homes, caused by air exchangers, exhaust fans, and dryers, pulls in outside air from the surrounding soil, bringing in gasses like radon. If you detect radon, hire a radon specialist to install a removal system. These systems work by reversing the pressure differential between the soil and the house’s foundation, effectively preventing radon gas from entering the home. They also use a fan to draw radon from beneath the house and vent it safely outside.

Additionally, sealing your floor with an epoxy coating can help mitigate radon and prevent moisture-related air quality issues. Epoxy coatings act as a barrier, providing an extra layer of protection.

Tackling Musty Basements & Radon Gas: Stay Safe!

Keep your home safe with whatever precautionary measures are needed. Testing for radon and addressing moisture vapor issues are crucial steps for maintaining a healthy indoor environment. By hiring professionals to apply epoxy floor coatings, you can improve air quality and protect your home from these threats.