Winning the Battle Against Moisture In Your Garage Floors

Garage Floor CoatingEpoxy Flooring, Garage Floor Coating

Epoxy coatings are an excellent choice for protecting and beautifying concrete floors. But proper preparation is key to their success, especially in Pennsylvania’s variable climate. One critical step that is often overlooked by “1-day polyurea” contractors and DIY enthusiasts is assessing the moisture content of the concrete before applying the coating. Ignoring this step can lead to significant issues, including peeling and delamination of the coating system, resulting in costly repairs.

The presence of high moisture in concrete is a common culprit behind the failure of concrete coatings. Water vapor trapped beneath the concrete slab can create hydrostatic pressure, which can lift a coating off the surface. This issue often becomes apparent within six to twelve months after application, prompting calls for re-coating services.

Many of these re-coating jobs stem from an initial failure to assess the concrete’s moisture levels properly. (And based on the readings, selection of the right primer coat). In Pennsylvania, where humidity levels can vary greatly throughout the year, this problem is particularly pertinent.

To prevent such issues, professional installers perform an on-site moisture assessment before beginning the floor coating application. This involves looking for visible signs of moisture such as efflorescence and dark spots. It also involves using a calibrated moisture vapor transmission meter to get accurate readings of the moisture levels. Multiple readings are taken to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the concrete’s condition.

If medium to high moisture levels are detected, a moisture-mitigating epoxy primer is used. (A polyurea should never be used as primer under these conditions, as they are in “1-day polyurea” systems). Unlike a polyurea, two-component moisture-mitigating epoxies penetrate deeply into the substrate, mitigating moisture issues. They provide a solid foundation for the subsequent coating layers.

However, due to the slower cure rate of the moisture-mitigating primer, it turns the installation into a two-day process. This is in stark contrast to the promises of one-day installations often advertised by some contractors.

The appeal of a quick fix can be strong. But for a durable and long-lasting concrete coating system, proper moisture assessment and preparation are essential. The use of one-day polyurea or DIY epoxy kits often leads to premature failures because they don’t account for the concrete’s moisture levels.

In Pennsylvania, where the weather can range from humid summers to freezing winters, the importance of proper preparation cannot be overstated. Ensuring that the concrete is adequately assessed for moisture and choosing the right products for the job will save homeowners from the frustration and expense of failed coatings.

Investing in a professional installation that takes the necessary steps to address moisture issues will result in a beautiful, durable garage floor that stands the test of time.

Additionally, Pennsylvania’s historic homes and properties add another layer of significance to proper garage floor installation. Many homeowners in the state take pride in preserving the historical integrity of their properties. An expertly prepared and installed epoxy floor not only protects but also enhances the value and appearance of these cherished homes.

Properly addressing moisture issues is crucial in maintaining the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of historic garages and basements, ensuring they remain part of Pennsylvania’s rich heritage for generations to come.